COREPLA’s Activities

PET is collected and sorted across Italy. COREPLA guarantees a high standard of quality and purity, for use in high added value applications.

PET bottles

PET bottles have extensive applications on the secondary raw material market and are sold in Europe through monthly online auctions.

Colourless PET containers

Product specifications

Light blue PET containers

Product specifications

Coloured PET containers

Product specifications

PET trays

In addition to bottles, COREPLA is starting to sort other containers in PET, including PET trays, anticipating market trends that will result from new European regulations. Therefore, COREPLA is already structuring its operations to sort and sell PET trays, which are negotiated through direct agreements.

Product specifications

Other containers in PET

Other types of containers in PET are available and are regularly requested for specific applications.

Product specifications

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